🥟 Chao-Down #254 Parents urge TikTok to label AI-generated influencers, MIT finds AI won't replace humans anytime soon because it's too expensive, Microsoft makes free a tool for AI reading lessons
Plus, OpenAI bans the developer who built a bot impersonating Democratic candidate Dean Phillips, its first known political restriction.
How well do you think you can tell whether a face is real or AI-generated? The New York Times recently released a quiz asking readers to do exactly this in a test to see our abilities to distinguish human faces in this new wave of AI.
Take the quiz yourself and see how you score.
-Alex, your resident Chaos Coordinator.
What happened in AI? 📰
OpenAI bans developer of Dean Phillips bot, its first known political restriction (The Hill)
Parents worry AI influencers promote unrealistic beauty standards (nbcnews.com)
Microsoft's tool for AI reading lessons is now a standalone app (engadget.com)
Medical AI could be ‘dangerous’ for poorer nations, WHO warns (nature.com)
AI Won't Replace Humans Anytime Soon Because It's Too Expensive, MIT Finds (Bloomberg)
New Hampshire Officials to Investigate A.I. Robocalls Mimicking Biden (The New York Times)
Always be Learnin’ 📕 📖
Evaluations are all we need - by Rohit Krishnan (strangeloopcanon.com)
How Apple built iCloud to store billions of databases (engineerscodex.com)
A Dive into Text-to-Video Models (huggingface.co)
Projects to Keep an Eye On 🛠
xtekky/gpt4free: The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models (Github)
OMG-Seg- Is One Model Good Enough For All Segmentation? (lxtgh.github.io)
huggingface/nanotron: Minimalistic large language model 3D-parallelism training (Github)
The Latest in AI Research 💡
Lightning Attention-2: A Free Lunch for Handling Unlimited Sequence Lengths in Large Language Models (arxiv)
Patchscopes - A Unifying Framework for Inspecting Hidden Representations of Language Models (pair-code.github.io)
Chain-of-Table: Evolving Tables in the Reasoning Chain for Table Understanding (arxiv)
The World Outside of AI 🌎
Google and Amazon layoff reports are 'garbage information'—Wall Street says companies are clinging to workers instead (Fortune)
Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? (Vox)
It’s Amazing How Many Americans Think They Live in the Midwest When They Don’t (WSJ)
The consciousness wars: can scientists ever agree on how the mind works? (Nature)
Self-checkout machines fall out of favor with retailers (qz.com)
Behind Cheap Stuff From Shein and Temu: A Hard Bargain With Suppliers (WSJ)
One Last Bite 😋
More Americans have a positive outlook on their own lives than on their fellow Americans' (YouGov)